Welcome... And Other Appropriate Pleasantries

This is a sister site, an off-shoot, the offspring or perhaps, simply, the unholy union between the online home of The Book Worm Bookstore and my leaky mind.

It is a place for me to share my thoughts and information in a creative, shiny and sarcastic manner. It is a place where fans of The Book Worm, friends of the Book Worm, Lovers and Haters of The Book Worm can speak freely... Though, the Hater's bits will probably be deleted swiftly and with relish.

It is not a place for you to place an order for books. You may not phrase requests for books that you do not know the title or author of and can only describe with the vaguest "It's about this guy who meets this girl and they fall in love but then they break up but then get back together again"; because I will laugh at you and then delete your comments.

You may, however, feel free to submit informative requests for titles, ordering and general information simply by copy and pasting this link to the store site into your browser: www.thebookwormonline.com

Welcome, friends; you're in for a real... well, I wouldn't say treat, but you get the idea.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What The...

It's 2:05 in the morning and I'm shaking my head in disbelief as my fingers tap, tap, tap away at the keys.

Why am I doing this instead of sleeping? I mean, I have to get up in the morning, I have to be at the BW... I SHOULD BE ASLEEP.

You wanna know why I'm not asleep right now?  Why I'm not exploring the deepest, creepiest, salty, chocolate, clown faced, octopus filled corners of my subconscious? (You probably don't, but I'm going to tell you anyway.) Because I was working; on projects I created for myself... I did this to myself.

Moral of this non-story?

I. Am. A. Masochist.

Pleasant dreams to all of you who have already toddled off to dream land; here's hoping yours is slightly less inhabited with clowns.

Lady B.

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