Welcome... And Other Appropriate Pleasantries

This is a sister site, an off-shoot, the offspring or perhaps, simply, the unholy union between the online home of The Book Worm Bookstore and my leaky mind.

It is a place for me to share my thoughts and information in a creative, shiny and sarcastic manner. It is a place where fans of The Book Worm, friends of the Book Worm, Lovers and Haters of The Book Worm can speak freely... Though, the Hater's bits will probably be deleted swiftly and with relish.

It is not a place for you to place an order for books. You may not phrase requests for books that you do not know the title or author of and can only describe with the vaguest "It's about this guy who meets this girl and they fall in love but then they break up but then get back together again"; because I will laugh at you and then delete your comments.

You may, however, feel free to submit informative requests for titles, ordering and general information simply by copy and pasting this link to the store site into your browser: www.thebookwormonline.com

Welcome, friends; you're in for a real... well, I wouldn't say treat, but you get the idea.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pointless Ramblings

I feel insanely energetic and creative today. I don't know why. If you know me, you know energetic is not my norm. I'm still a little stuffy; leftovers from my week of ick, but other than that, I feel...

Not that any of that is in any way relevant to this post. What I wanted to tell you all was that we (the royal "we"; me and all the voices in my head) are bringing back our book clubs at The Book Worm next year. I'm very excited. We'll actually have several; I'm recruiting leaders right now for different genres... it's going to be pretty great.
I can't help but get excited about this. We have an awesome store, in a cool little town that's growing all the time, propelled by a unique, diverse community... we've got great things ahead of us.

An aside: I want to thank everyone who helped put our Cosplay Weekend together. And to everyone who came out to support and participate: You are the bomb. Next year, it'll be even better.

Goodnight fellow Bookworms; until next time.
Go. Read. Enjoy.

-Lady B.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's My Birthday!

Not yet. Like, it's not really my birthday today or anything... But it will be on Sunday!


25! Quarter of a century!

This is really just a a kindly worded request to everyone to come out and wish me a happy birthday on Saturday during my Cosplay Weekend Event (wink, wink, nudge, nudge (Yeah? Got any Monty Python fans out there? Huh? Yeah? No? ...Okay then).)

You can have a Harry Potter cupcake with me! Yummmmm.

I promise this blog will become a little more blog-like after this big ole' event has come to close. Just... hang in there.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This Probably Isn't Nice But I'm Gonna Say It Anyway

This is a rant.

I just want you all to know that going in... so you're not surprised when you get to the end and are all: "She was just ranting. That was a wast of my time; seriously, I just lost 5 minutes of my life that I will never get back... what a b***." Because, honestly, if I tuned in to a blog expecting something and ended up with what you're about to read, I'd probably say that to the computer screen... and it wouldn't say anything back... because it agreed with me... and sometimes silence speaks volumes.


Dear person:

I get that you probably worked really, really hard on that.

No. You know what? Now that I think about it, you probably didn't. You are probably so full of yourself that you just shot that gleaming bit of epic fail out into the universe and thought it was the greatest thing since the invention of... something that is actually great, and ran with it. But let me tell you something: it is not.

Not even close.

I could do better than that.

And they're aren't all that many things that I'm good at.

A word of advice: get yourself some new, honest friends. Ones who will tell you that you have committed a crime against nature and that there's no shame in that age old adage: Try, try again.

-end of rant-

Goodnight peeps...

-Lady B.